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Lake Kiwa, Waldo Lake Wilderness |
It was time for Paranoia and I to get back into the
wilderness. Spring was young, yet snow in the higher elevations was melting
rapidly. We drove the primitive road from the north section of Waldo Lake in
the direction to Taylor Burn Campground. About one mile down the rugged road we
encountered a few stubborn snow patches lingering across the road. Before each
one I simply pressed on the gas pedal a little more firmly and barreled through
the snow patch with little resistance. However, one snow patch proved too
formidable. My "little truck that could" tried valiantly, but half
way through the deep snow patch she came to a halt. Rocking the pickup in
forward and reverse while in four wheel drive didn't work.
When driving in the mountains, particularly in the spring,
snow in the process of melting is the worst snow to travel through. When below
freezing, tires will plow through newly fallen snow or ride on top of packed
snow. When snow is melting, tires tend to push the heavy snow, which decreases
a vehicle's momentum until it eventually can go no further. Spinning tires in
an effort to free a rig often results in compacted snow, which acts like ice
and makes it that much harder to free a rig.
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English: Waldo Lake in Oregon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
We were stuck. And as we began to dig ourselves out with our
hands and tree branches we found alongside the road we sweated; and as we
sweated, two boat paddles shaped like shovels, brought along to propel a small
inflatable raft we hoped to catch trout from, laid forgotten in the bed of the
pickup. With fingers like ice pops and the pickup's tires still buried, I
finally recalled loading the paddles. We pulled them out and within 15 minutes
were out of the snowfield.
Not wanting to risk another run at plowing through the
patch, we fell back on Plan B, drove back to the boat ramp at North Waldo,
shouldered our backpacks and began hiking the Waldo Lake shoreline trail. One
of the largest lakes in the state, Waldo Lake is also the second deepest at
420' deep. And like the deepest lake in North America- Crater Lake to the south
- its waters are remarkably clear.
We then took the intersecting trail leading to Rigdon Lakes,
passed the pair of blue gems, and set up camp near Lake Kiwa. We immediately
laid down our backpacks and headed for a peninsula jutting out into the lake to
entice some wily brook trout into biting our hooks.
Rigdon Lake fishing
On the peninsula, we noticed several small logs, 4 or 5
inches in diameter, lying in a pile. Freshly chopped stumps dotted the area,
protruding grotesquely a few feet above the ground. Behind us in the forest we
could see an old, large, spongy log recently used to build a fire. Someone had
really done a number on this place.
The next day a ranger stopped and talked to us about the
destruction we had noticed along the lake. Apparently, the area had been raped
and pillaged by a small party the weekend before. Light snows had dusted the
area, and according to the ranger, the party wasn't prepared for the cold
weather. Not only trying to stay warm, but perhaps alive, the party chopped
down several small trees, intending to burn them. Discovering the green trees
don't burn, they then retreated into the nearby forest and started a fire
beneath the blackened fallen log. Obviously, the punky, spongy old log didn't burn well, either.
A ranger patrolling the area apparently came on the scene
and approached one of the men, informing him of a hefty fine he was about to
receive for chopping down the trees and making a mess of the shoreline.
Apparently, the man became belligerent, ranting and raving about how he had
come to these mountains for years and had never heard of such a thing and was
only trying to keep his family alive.
Lake Kiwa
I can appreciate someone trying to keep himself and his
family alive. You can't fault the man for that. But ignorance and carelessness
is no excuse for the abuse this lake shore had received. I would hope that if
the man had been entering the Cascades for as long as he professed, he would
know better than to enter them in the unpredictable month of May without the
proper clothing to keep warm - especially when children were involved.
If I remember correctly, I believe the ranger said the fine
was, at the time, $100 per every inch of tree diameter cut down. So a tree with
a four inch diameter would equal a fine of $400. And a bunch of trees were
laying there that size, equating to several thousand dollars.
Someone might have thought he was keeping his family alive,
but it cost him a bundle. So if you're tired of giving the feds more of your money to waste, don't get caught cutting down a tree on National Forest land.